Every time the girls in her class are cruel to her, Chrysanthemum’s heart gets more crushed. Even when Mrs. Twinkle cheers her up with her kind words, those wrinkles are still there in Chrysanthemum’s heart. Those can never be fully smoothed.
It is a powerful lesson for six year-olds, let me tell you. We leave that wrinkled heart up on the wall all year long and refer back to it when needed.
Frederick by Leo Lionni,
Franklin’s New Friend by Paulette Bourgeois,
Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel,
and several others.
Great books.
Great lessons about friendship.
Each book has a common theme, but they highlight different aspects of friendship, and I love that.
And my personal favorite: Peanut Butter and Cupcake by Terry Border. This cleverly photographed/illustrated story is about Peanut Butter trying to make friends after moving to a new town. He diligently asks several other characters to play with him, but is rebuffed until he finds that one friend who is a perfect fit.
It is a great lesson in perseverance, social skills, and how to deal with disappointment. And it is FUNNY!
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Best of luck, friends!
And head on over to check out these other awesome bloggers!! They have great tips AND GIVEAWAYS on Classroom Tools in store for you!!
Much Love,
My daughter and I loved the Peanut Butter and Cupcake book. I'll have to check out the other two. Making and keeping friends can be hard work. I'm glad there are books like these to help our students with this task. Thanks for sharing.
Sugar Cube Learning